309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560
P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563
PHONE: 252.637.4181
For Christmas: Give the Gift that Helps Others!
Consider a gift to RCS
(Religious Community Services of New Bern)
RCS provides food, shelter, education, and prevention services to their resident families which leads to restoration, self-sufficiency, and dignity. During RCS’s BEE—Build, Engage, Empower--Capital Campaign, Centenary provided $100,000 to create the RCS Common Family Housing Living Area for four temporary resident families.
The basic goal of RCS’s overall approach to well-being is to empower individuals to help themselves. The holistic strategy to accomplish this goal includes employing the tool of client-centered case management. RCS Case Managers screen and assess residents to best meet their personal needs and make appropriate referrals. This approach changes lives!
How to Give:
Recommended Levels of Giving:
$27 10 Hours of Case Management
$54 One day for a Family of Four
$76 One day of Living-- Family of 4
____ Other support
Place form and check (Annotated RCS) together in offering plate! Or:
If you want a gift card for an honoree, please complete the appropriate section of the gift form and a card will be mailed to you.