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Friday Greetings - January 21

We're praying and wishing everyone the best through the storm this weekend and any metaphorical storms that may be invading your life presently. May God's grace and peace be with you.

Our gospel lesson, Luke 4: 21-30, comes to us just after Jesus has faced temptation in the desert for 40 days and nights. We find him back in Galilee...around adoring friends of his family who are mesmerized by his words and teachings. Things change pretty quickly though. Jesus is teaching truth, all taught in the name of love...and yet, by the end of our lesson, this community where Jesus grew up, is trying to kill him before his ministry ever gets off the ground. They were threatened because their own behaviors and attitude didn't align with Jesus' teachings and interpretations from the Hebrew Bible.

With so many voices pointing us in so many directions in this world that is so full of chaos, it's sometimes hard to know who or what paths to follow. This week, we're going to talk about tapping into and leaning into LOVE first...after all, that's exactly what Jesus did. The epistle lesson this week is 1 Corinthians 13. As you ponder these scriptures, consider neighbors and possibly acquaintances with whom you feel disconnected or perhaps, very far from them theologically, politically or spiritually. Pray, in the name of love, that fruit may come in desert places and in abundance.

Pastor Michael

Sunday Scripture

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

Psalm 19

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Luke 4:21-30

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