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Friday Greetings - January 7

Kathy Mitchell

Paul begins his letters in the New Testament with thanksgiving, usually “giving thanks for you and your faithfulness.” Romans begins, “first of all, I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because the news about your faithfulness is being spread throughout the whole world.” (Rom. 1:8) I find myself wanting to echo those very thoughts. Two months ago, Patti Peebles shared with you a concern about our finances. We seemed to be just a bit behind our need. You have stepped up and I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faithfulness is being spread throughout the whole world. Because of your faithfulness, we have fulfilled all the obligations for 2021, entered 2022 strong, and have nearly $1 million in pledges and gifts to our Capital Campaign. WOW! I thank God.

This year will bring challenges and opportunities, celebration and joy. Through it all, I know we will stand together and meet this moment. For 250 years, the people called Methodist here in New Bern have been faithful and I know we will be faithful in this moment. May this year be filled with reminders of God’s faithfulness to us.

I hope you will join us for worship this week. Our 8:30 Chapel Service will be in the Chapel as well as on Facebook. Our 9:30 Experience Service will be in the Old Fellowship Hall and on Facebook. Our 11:00 Traditional Service will be in the Fellowship Hall, on Facebook, and on 97.9FM.

Pastor Tom

Sunday Scripture

Isaiah 43:1-7

Psalm 29

Acts 8:14-17

Luke 3:15-17

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