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Friday Greetings - January 12

From Pastor Vann

Seen and Seeing

Most of us want the people we care about to SEE us. In other words, we want them to perceive who we really are, to look past our defenses and masks, and know us in our innermost being. And then, we want them to accept and love us as we are, not as we imagine ourselves to be. Believers want, above all, for God to SEE us, accept us, and love us. Just as important, we are called to SEE others as we want to be seen and to accept and love others as God does. Being seen ... and seeing others ... is the theme of my message this coming Sunday as we explore John 1:43-51. Join us in worship!

Thank You

On behalf of Centenary United Methodist and the North Carolina Conference, thank you for your generosity and your loyalty and support of our denomination. With your help and the timely gift of several large donations, Centenary was able to pay ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of our 2023 missional apportionments, giving our full support to our United Methodist leaders, missionaries, colleges, and other connectional organizations and institutions. God bless you all!

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