309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560
P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563
PHONE: 252.637.4181
Centenary offers Sunday School classes for all ages. Classes are available for men, women, couples, singles, and all children and youth. Classes meet at 10:00 a.m. in various rooms.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Contemporary Issues Class (Library)
All Ages of Adults. Curriculum: DVD’s, Books, and other curricula related to Religion and Science, World Religions, and challenges facing Christians today.
Helen Morton Class (Room 205)
Middle-Aged Adults and beyond; some with Youth and Children, some empty-nesters.
Curriculum: Diverse; life-application studies focusing on books of the Bible, and ongoing issues inside and outside the Church.
Ed Guirkins Class (Room 206)
Younger to Middle-Aged Adults with Children and /or Youth. Curriculum: Varied; includes DVD-driven Bible Studies, and Studies of Current Issues.
WC Chadwick Class (Room 204)
Middle-Aged Adults and beyond; some with children no longer at home; some in early retirement or early grand parenting years. Curriculum: A Variety of Bible Studies focused on numerous topics of interest.
Aldersgate Community (Fellowship Hall)
Senior Adults. Curriculum: Adult Bible Series. A lively combination of lecture and discussion.
Asbury Men’s Class and Sara Key Class (Room 202)
Senior Adult. Curriculum:
Adult Bible Studies.