309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560
P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563
PHONE: 252.637.4181

Share your talents by Volunteering
Centenary has a variety of Outreach Programs that service the community as well and the region.
To become a part of any of these services, please call 252-637-4181.
Habitat for Humanity
Women's Coastal Shelter
Stephen Ministry
Helping Hands
Oaks Road Academy
Although volunteering is all about serving others, you in turn will be blessed.
Here are four benefits you will receive when you make a commitment to volunteer.
Meeting New People
Volunteering at church is the perfect way to meet people with the same interests as you. When choosing a ministry you have the opportunity to befriend others who share those interests. The church is a special place to come together with other believers and make lasting friendships.
Learning About the Needs of Others
When you place yourself in an environment that promotes serving others, you’re forced outside your shell. Isolation doesn’t benefit anyone. Instead, open up to volunteer work, give help where it’s needed, and live the life Jesus intended for His disciples.
Improving Your Decision-Making
When you dedicate time to volunteering at church, you make the choice to do that instead of something else – usually, something much less worthwhile. Volunteering at church generates feelings of commitment, loyalty, and purpose. Over time, it shapes your decision-making, and directs your actions toward a greater good.
Becoming a Lasting Influence
Your children, friends, and other family members will look to you as an example of goodwill and worthwhile living. If you raise your children to volunteer at church, they will know no other lifestyle. Serving others should be a permanent part of life – if you begin the tradition, it will be in the future.