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Kathy Mitchell

Daily Encouragement - April 3

Isaiah 55:3 Incline your ear, and come to me: listen, so that you may live.

When God wants to let us know that his presence surrounds us we are reminded about being part of a community. While the people were still exiled, they were having trouble keeping their faith intact. Isaiah tells them that the covenant God made still endures, and that they will be brought out in God’s time. So, eat, drink, and be together. And remember, the prophet says, the work of God is stretched out across time and creation.

Tomorrow we will celebrate Easter and acknowledge God’s saving grace in Christ Jesus. God’s covenant with us continues and we are empowered to respond. We may not know exactly what it is that we are to do, but we do know why we need to do and to be more than we have so far. The goal is to continue being examples of God’s love and continuing care for all. As the little sign above indicates; making mistakes is not the problem. We must keep trying. All this past year’s little mistakes have helped us grow in ways that have been unexpected and often difficult. But we are stronger now than we were. We’ve come to appreciate some things we has often taken for granted. We have a broader understanding of what being together means as we have dealt with various times of separation or isolation. On our Easter morning we are one in hope, joy and praise to God for giving us again the opportunity to rise and become more in the name of Jesus who rose for all who accept the gift and are willing to respond. Thank you God.

Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee vs.4

Let us for each other care,

each the other’s burdens bear;

to Thy church the pattern give,

show how true believers live.

May the Good News of Jesus Christ go with us all. May we be light and life to all the world. May the risen Christ go with us and fill us with strength and courage. Share the faith, keep the promise, speak a kind word, share the gospel, and bring peace to the earth. Amen.

Pastor David Brosnan

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