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Kathy Mitchell

Daily Encouragement - August 3

Luke 24:36 While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

We are going through a time when peace itself seems to be illusive. Things are very definitely not what they used to be. Togetherness is very difficult to achieve, especially the ways we used to celebrate togetherness. All of us miss hugs, handshakes, closeness, and the ability to be present the way we were. We try to make the best of the restrictions and limitations we are all experiencing, and it’s wearing on all of us There’s an underlying current of unease that permeates our thoughts and responses. We don’t know what’s next, or what to expect, or what is the best way to have school, work, loving our neighbors, and coming to a regular sense of worshiping God in times and that don’t feel quite right, yet.

The Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh has been teaching a lot about peace for years. His work for peace brought him into friendship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Merton, and other Christians who shared his belief that peace must be who we are, not just something we demand. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can begin to make peace. Jesus also said to his disciples, “My peace I give to you.” He made it clear that it was different from what the world gives or expects. That kind of peace starts within each of us. It’s a peace that’s tough to describe, but you know when it’s there. My prayer it that you will all find a touch of what it means to “be peace” this week, and that you will find comfort in being able to let others feel it from you.

2145 I’ve Got Peace Like A River v.1

I’ve got peace like a river,

I’ve got peace like a river,

I’ve got peace like a river

In my soul.

Thank you God for having Jesus show us a way of peace that is out of this world. We all have sung or felt, “ Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Help us realize that our peace begins with you and, that it is meant to be shared as we be your peace for others.

Pastor David

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