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Kathy Mitchell

Daily Encouragement - July 8

Psalm 131

A pilgrimage song. Of David.


Lord, my heart isn’t proud;         my eyes aren’t conceited. I don’t get involved with things too great or wonderful for me.

No. But I have calmed and quieted myself like a weaned child on its mother; I’m like the weaned child that is with me.

Israel, wait for the Lord— from now until forever from now!

A couple of weeks ago you may have heard me on one of our broadcasts over the radio or on Facebook say something to the effect of - “I’m ready to get my vacation next’. Someone had asked me about Pastor Tom being on vacation and I misunderstood the question and in turn, misspoke. I had no idea the microphone was hot even though the comment was made in jest. 

It had been a long week leading up to preaching that Sunday, dealing with the day to day business of the office and getting together the final details on the youth group trip I was planning. I was tired.  All of that plus the process of buying and selling a house, having only one car until after we close on the house (in 12 days-Praise God). My brain felt worn out and I just wanted to get away. 

A mission trip with the youth isn’t exactly a vacation or most folks idea of a  relaxing getaway, yet I managed to find some of the peace I’d been seeking. I found it in watching teenagers helping make a community garden for a church, helping clear 30 years of growth from family cemeteries, working in helping a non profit thrift shop get over a years worth of donations sorted, organizing and distributing food at a local food pantry and in cleaning up debris from a fire in a chicken coop that burned down just a few days before our arrival. The appreciation, kindness and love shown by both our youth and the receivers of their work was a true blessing.

Centenary Church…you should be proud. Our kids see the example you offer and over the years, Centenary has taken the responsibility of local mission work so seriously. Your dedication, care, agape and willing spirit has been reflected and mimicked well by the next generation. Our giving God has allowed these kids to be God’s hands, feet and voice in a world that so desperately needs to experience Christ’s love. 

Loving God…we give thanks for the opportunities you give each of us to do Your good work. Help us to see examples of where we can be your hands and feet in our day to day lives. In Jesus name…Amen.

Pastor Michael Williams

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