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Daily Encouragement - June 3

I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

John 10:10b

None of us is perfect in life, but as Christians all of us can strive to be more like Jesus Christ in our daily journey.

A few years ago, a study was made which asked individuals to name characteristics that exemplified the perfect person.  None of these lists were unanimous but these were five common qualities from the larger list.  

  1. Persons who receive gratification from more than just one area of their lives, -- friends, hobbies, worship, work, etc.;

  2. Persons who respect others as individuals of worth;

  3. Persons who are flexible.  They can step back and not try to make the impossible squeeze into the possible;

  4. Persons who have a zest for living and pursue it with enthusiasm; 

  5. Persons who accept their limitations.  While perhaps not totally happy with their lives, they strive for happiness, believing humbly in a Higher Power, loving others, loving themselves.

While there is only one person who was perfect while on earth, we can stand in His shadow.   If we find the abundant life He came to bring, we can serve as an example.

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;

Naught be all else to me, save that thou art.

Thou my best thought, by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for teaching us how to live – not just by your words of wisdom and love, but by the very life You lived day by day.  In times, good, bad or uncertain, help us keep our eyes on You as we seek a path of truth to follow.     AMEN

Rev. Donald Hodges

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