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Kathy Mitchell

Friday Greetings - August 19

1. Have you ever heard that the God of the Old Testament is a deity of law and wrath and the God of the New Testament is a deity of love and grace? That's MISINFORMATION. Come Sunday to hear the truth about Law and Love.

2. As we continue to celebrate our 250th anniversary, we will welcome Dr. Bettsy Curtis to lead music during the 8:30 and 11:00 services this Sunday. We are including her biography so that everyone will know a little about her.

Dr. Curtis holds three degrees in piano performance, a Bachelor of Music from Southern Methodist University, a Master of Music from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati, and a Doctor of Musical Arts from The University of Texas at Austin. Former faculty positions include Baylor University, Howard Payne University, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. College teaching positions shifted to public-school music teaching while her children were young. In the summers of 1992 and 1993, Bettsy studied elemental music designed by German composer Carl Orff. Orff Schulwerk, or simply the Orff Approach is a developmental approach used in music education. It combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to a child’s world of play. While she was the music director at Centenary United Methodist Church in 2004, Bettsy taught the children’s choir to play the “Orff instruments” as they sang musical dramas. Bettsy just retired this year from Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Wilmington, North Carolina after sixteen years of leading the traditional worship music. This marks the end of a forty-six year career of directing music and playing the organ/piano for churches in Ohio, Texas, and North Carolina. Since 2010, Dr. Curtis directed the music at Wesley Memorial and held a music faculty collaborative pianist position at UNCW. Starting in the Fall of 2022 she plans to divide her time between teaching a music fundamentals class for Musical Theatre minors, accompanying voice students, the university choirs, the Cape Fear Chorale, and visiting her adult children in New York City and Boone, North Carolina.

3. Effective Sunday, August 28, the new Sunday morning schedule is as follows:

8:30 Traditional Worship in the Chapel

9:00 Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary

10:00 Sunday School

11:00 Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

Sunday School for children and youth will resume on September 11. For adult Sunday School, contact your teacher.

4. Speaking of misinformation, it's not true that every United Methodist Church has to vote to either stay in the UMC or "disaffiliate" and join the Global Methodist Church. Only churches who seek to leave the UMC need to vote. While disaffiliation was discussed at the most recent Church Council meeting on Tuesday, August 16, there are no plans at this time for Centenary to leave the UMC. For more information, go to

Continue to pray for all in our community who are discerning the path God wants them to take.

Pastor Vann

Sunday Scripture

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Matthew 5:17-19

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