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The Centenary Connextion - April 19

Kathy Mitchell

"More Than Dollars and Cents"

In churches, we often consider stewardship to relate only to money and finances. In the fall, many churches, Centenary included, have stewardship drives, and pastors preach stewardship sermons to help encourage people to think about how they are using their financial resources for the Kingdom that we pray to come every Sunday when we pray the Lord's Prayer.

But stewardship is about more than just dollars and cents! We are called to be faithful stewards of our time, talent, and resources - including the resource of God's creation that we have been called to care for. And so, this Sunday, we will explore the Scriptural call to care for God's creation!

Addressing Disinformation in the United Methodist Church

Please read this recent letter from Virginia Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson to the pastors and laity of the Virginia Annual Conference. Disinformation continues to be spread to undermine the United Methodist Church.

Here is the link:

Pastor Tyler

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