Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus! This Sunday, we are excited to see the return of our Children's Choir taking the lead in our 9:30 and 11:00 worship services in the new fellowship hall. They will also be sharing this incredible performance of God is Not Dead Saturday evening at 5:30. We are grateful for all of the work, time, effort and energy the children have put in under the direction of Dora and all who have helped this come together.
We will have our normal 8:30 worship time in the chapel where we'll explore our Acts scripture that appears in this week's lectionary. The Holy Spirit is part of our lives every day. Whether we're open and willing to the Spirit is irrelevant, for the Spirit is still there to guide, influence, direct and influence. Sometimes the Spirit of the Lord can lead us to unfamiliar places and sometimes leads us to unlikely people. This week Paul is led in a vision by ' a man' who said 'come to Macedonia to help us'. The thing is...when Paul and Co. arrived to witness the first convert in European lands into Christianity, it wasn't a man. It was Lydia.
Women like Lydia were at the center of the Early Church. They had a variety of roles including caring for local groups of believers, evangelizing and furthering the Christian mission. The church at Philippi existed because of Lydia’s generous heart and welcoming home. Her faith and intelligence, practical skills and initiative, courage and pastoral sensibilities continue to make her an ideal role model for women and men in the church today.
Pastor Michael
Sunday Scripture for 8:30
Acts 16:9-15
Psalm 67
Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5
John 14:23-29