You ever go to a place with so many things to look at that you feel almost over-whelmed? Where do I let my eye settle? Do I focus on the view out the window? Do I consider the fabrics on the furniture? Do I observe all the collectibles on the shelf? Sometimes it can be just over-whelming. This Sunday is one of those days. It marks the celebration of the Ascension, one of the crucial elements of our faith. Important enough to make it to the creeds — “ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God.” It is the weekend of Memorial Day, a time set aside to remember, in the words of President Lincoln, all those “who gave the last full measure of devotion.” And it is actually Aldersgate Day, the day of John Wesley’s heart-warming experience. Any one is worthy of a Sunday’s focus, and all are important. I have chosen to end our season of Easter and reflection on the letter of Peter by thinking about Aldersgate Day. I hope you will join us on Facebook, YouTube, or 97.9FM, the Bear. Maybe you will learn just a bit about our forefather in the faith, Mr. Wesley.
Pastor Tom