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What's Happening This Week - March 29

GriefShare "FALL Sessions" will run every Monday, 10:00 AM - noon until December 16th in Room 206 at the church's Education Building. You can join us at any time. GriefShare is a support group for people who have lost a loved one: spouse, family member, relative or friend. It is open not only to Centenary members, but our entire community as well.... ALL ARE WELCOME!! If you know of someone who is hurting, please invite them. For more information, please contact Pam or Ron Bonina at 252-497-8489 or

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MidWeek Meal

MidWeek Meal-Wednesday-5:30 PM-Fellowship Hall-This kid-friendly meal will be prepared by Judy Morton & Kit Jordan. Menu: lasagna, salad, bread, dessert. Everyone is invited.

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Men’s Christmas Dinner

Centenary United Methodist Men’s Christmas Dinner-Monday, December 2, 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $16.00 for one, $32.00 for a couple and may be purchased in the church office or from P.D. Scott or Larry Gilliam. Deadline for purchase is November 24.

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Community Gospel Choir

The Community Gospel Choir will present the cantata A CHILD, A KING on Wednesday, December 4 at 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM at First Baptist Church, 239 Middle Street in New Bern. The cantata, composed and arranged by Marty Parks, presents the story of hope, peace, joy, and love at Christmas. The choir is under the direction of Barry E. Templeton with Eloise Collins serving as accompanist. The Gospel Ensemble will also present three Christmas selections during the program. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend this exciting Christmas happening. The event is free and open to the public.

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Multimedia Volunteers Needed

 Multimedia Volunteers Needed-We will soon be recording and streaming the 8:50 & the 11:00 worship services. Volunteers are needed to learn to use the camera, work the soundboard, and to edit the videos. If you would like to help with this project, please contact the church office at 637-4181.

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L0VE MERCY, DO JUSTICE Featuring Voices of the Faithful.  November 17, 3:30 – 5:00 PM at the Harrison Center 311 Middle Street.   This free community forum will feature spokespersons from five varied faith traditions: Jewish, Islamic, Christian Black traditional, Christian white mainstream, and Christian non-denominational non-traditional. Audience questions will be accepted during a midpoint refreshment break.  The Forum is sponsored by Faith Connection.

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Women’s Christmas Brunch

Centenary United Methodist Women’s Christmas Brunch-Saturday, December 7, 9:30 AM at New Bern Golf & Country Club. Tickets are $13.00 and may be purchased from circle leaders or in the church office.

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Youth Fun Raiser

YOUTH FUND RAISER-Michelle Douglas of 3GenFashion will be donating 50% of her profits to CentYouth to help pay for their winter retreat. 3GenFashion is on online clothing store for women sizes XS-3X. To access Michelle’s store, go to and shop.

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Books for Oaks Road

Books for Oaks Road Students-For the past three years, Centenarians have shared the joy of reading with the students at Oaks Road Academy. We brought well over 500 books each year, for the children to choose and take home to read. This year, we are asking you to bring books again on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 24, to place on the tables that will surround the altar rail at all three services. Please bring books that are appropriate for children ages 5-11 years old and place them on the tables when you come to church on the 24th. The books will be delivered to Oaks Road where the children will be able to choose the book that interests them the most.

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Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser

Centenary Caring Cooks is once again holding a Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser in December.  You will have the opportunity to stock up on cinnamon rolls for gifts or for serving at all of your holiday functions.  They are homemade yeast cinnamon rolls with a maple frosting.  They freeze beautifully.  We will be selling a pan of 8 large cinnamon rolls for $10.  We will be baking cinnamon rolls on Friday, December 6th and Friday, December 13th.  You will be able to pick up your rolls from 3-7pm on either of those days.  We will not be taking orders - the Cinnamon Rolls will only be available on a first come first serve basis on December 6th and 13th.  We thank you for your support of our ministry!  We are able to keep our freezer stocked with meals that anyone in the church is able to take to a family or individual in need.  If you would like to know more about Centenary Caring Cooks and how you can be involved in our ministry, contact Dawn Ferreira at 252-289-5630.

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Register for upcoming events
Young Explorers To Altitude Trampoline Park
Young Explorers To Altitude Trampoline Park
All 3-5th Graders invited! Pick up and drop off: Centenary UMC. We will be taking the bus to the Trampoline Park in Jacksonville. Please pack dinner, snacks, and an activity for the bus. Wear close toed shoes and feel free to invite a friend.
Nov 17, 2019, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Altitude Trampoline Park,
1030 Henderson Dr, Jacksonville, NC 28540, USA
Event Registration
Centenary United Methodist Church

309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560 

P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563

Phone: 252.637.4181


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