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Daily Encouragement - June 29

Matthew 10:42, “and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple – truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.”

Many of us are aware that we are called to respond in some way to the various crises surrounding us and affecting almost everybody. While there are a few folks who talk as though what is going on doesn’t affect them personally, it sure seems hard to find someone untouched. What do we do? What can make a positive difference? Sometimes little things do not seem to mean much in themselves but they can often have a greater impact than we recognize. A cup of cold water given to someone is one of those things.

We need to remember that running water was not common in Jesus’ day and time. The standard practice was for the designated family member to go to the community well early in the morning, draw the daily supply, and return home. Refrigeration didn’t exist so the water didn’t stay cool very long. Yet Jesus said that giving a cup of cold water was special. Why do you think that might be? It seems safe to suggest that someone arriving for a visit would take place later in the day than first thing in the morning. What is required to give a cup of cold water under that circumstance?

Getting that cold water requires special effort. First, someone has to stop what they are doing and make a special trip to the well, draw the fresh cold water, and bring it back for sharing. As you can imagine, this may put a kink in plans for the day. Yet that activity assures reward. It means that what many would consider a sacrifice can be its own reward. Don’t we often get hung up on big stuff and forget to do the little things that can change someone’s day. Anything we do that benefits another is worth the effort. Sometimes, we’re told, we just may be seeing angels unawares. Let us always pay attention to the little things – they do add up you know.

Hymn #641 Fill My Cup, Lord

Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up Lord.

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.

Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more;

Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

Lord God, help us respond in ways that make a difference in the lives we can touch. Enable us to see and appreciate opportunities that show we care for others by our love. Send your Spirit in the name of Jesus to lead us on in your power and grace. Amen

Rev. David Brosnan

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