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Daily Encouragement - April 22

Kathy Mitchell

 Jonah 2:7-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

When my endurance was weakening,

        I remembered the Lord,

        and my prayer came to you,

            to your holy temple.

Those deceived by worthless things lose their chance for mercy.

But me, I will offer a sacrifice to you with a voice of thanks.

        That which I have promised, I will pay.

            Deliverance belongs to the Lord!”

I was listening to some music on YouTube over the weekend and the first couple of days this week. l have found myself using YouTube a little more since we created a Centenary Church YouTube page. I came upon a beautiful Celtic version of In Christ Alone that I wanted to share with you. I was actually looking for something else, but this pulled me in. As we are all trying to make sense of life in our minds right now, I hope this will offer you some time of reflection and gratitude for all that we have, even in this storm.

I have a friend who hasn’t left home in several weeks. In a time of uncertainty, she contacted an old high school friend that had an argument with her several years ago. Through that call, they have begun to rekindle an old friendship. That’s what happened to Monica…this is where God has led her.

My old college roommate has managed a store that specializes in custom computer building, integration and repair for the past 20 years. He has been unhappy there for the past 4 or 5 years. In the past month, they have become busier and he has found a new joy in helping small business and customers who aren’t tech savvy be able to continue their business and connect with friends, family, customers, etc. in this time. That’s what happened to Jeff…this is where God has brought him.

I mention this video, In Christ Alone, because I did something I rarely do…I scrolled to the comments section of the video. I usually just listen, without the video on my screen. Today….going to the comments section made me smile because I read these words posted by a person commenting on the video. They said:

Hey. I’m not a Christian. I’m a child of the lost world. I got here by accident but this has opened up my world. Beautiful people.

I read that time and time again. I thought to myself how amazing it is when we begin to see God in a new way and when we are receptive to God’s will. My prayer is that during this unprecedented time in the course of human history, we as a people truly seek God’s will and way.


Gracious, loving Giver of Love and Life…We thank you for this day. We thank you for the others reading praying these words with us. We thank you for all that we have when so many have so very, very little.

When we are weary, give us the strength. When we are exhausted, give us the energy. When our spirits are broken, give us restoration. 

We thank You for Your presence and comfort in this storm. It may look different. It may feel different. The future may seem and feel uncertain. But our certainty is found through the promise that came through Christs resurrection and ascension. In Christ alone….may we live in the light of that!


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