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Friday Greetings - November 11

Did you know Jesus talked about money and possessions more than anything else (other than the Kingdom of God)? Is there a Christian way of thinking about your finances? This coming Sunday, Vann is preaching about “Treasures in Heaven.” The scriptures are 1 Timothy 6:17-19 and Matthew 6:19-21. 1843 was a big year in the history of Methodism in New Bern! That’s the year the white members of Andrew’s Chapel (located at the corner of Middle Street and Church Alley) built a new church building at 511 New Street and renamed the congregation Centenary. The African-American members remained at Andrew’s Chapel and eventually built their own new building, transferred to the AME Zion denomination, and renamed the congregation St. Peter’s. Now you know!

Pastor Spivey

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