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Friday Greetings - October 6

Kathy Mitchell

The Disney movie Frozen is a go-to in our household because it is currently our daughter Cate's favorite movie. Perhaps the most well-known song from Frozen is entitled: "Let It Go." The phrase "let it go" is not just the title but is the central theme of the song.

Likewise, one of the central themes of this week's reading from Philippians is letting go. In Philippians 3:4-14, Paul tells his story of letting go of things that were once important to him. Jesus turned his world upside down and caused Paul to say, "Whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ" (Philippians 3:7).

What has an encounter with Jesus caused you to let go of? What might God be inviting you to let go of now? These are the questions we will be reflecting on this Sunday at Centenary!

Pastor Tyler

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