These aren’t funny. I’ve seen them on vehicles right beside stickers for a church or other symbols of Christian faith. And these are mild, compared to some I’ve seen.
Is this how followers of Christ do politics? Are we supposed to demonize anybody who doesn’t share our particular political views? Do Christians have to belong to a particular American political party and swear their allegiance to a specific human ruler? NO.
Whether or not you agree with a fellow believer’s partisan positions, they’re your
brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like you, they’re people for whom Jesus gave his life. To allow partisan politics to divide the church is to put secular beliefs above the Christ- like love we’re called to show to one another.
Perhaps we need a reminder about how Christians ought to handle conflict. Does Jesus want us to hate our enemies? And who, exactly, is a Christian’s enemy? I’ll be talking about this more on Sunday. My sermon is titled, “Fraternizing with the Enemy.”
Pastor Vann