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Daily Encouragement - March 15

Kathy Mitchell

Jeremiah 31:31 “The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.”

We have been exploring covenant this Lenten season; what it means, how it is applied, and how it changes lives, actions and hearts. Disciplines a book of daily worship, has the passage from Jeremiah 31:31-34 as the reading for today. The Lord said that the Law would be written on the hearts of his people. They wouldn’t have to be taught, it will be there.

Well, God makes promises and we break them. We do things that break God’s trust. Yet God keeps coming back to us. In essence, God does not just say, “I love you” or “I am in love with you” but “I promise to love you: No matter what.” In the world we live in broken promises hurt. They often create gaps in relationships that require time and effort to rebuild trust. We are free to break God’s heart. Yet God comes to us today and every day in all of our brokenness and continues to offer us His promise. We belong. God is our God. We are God’s people. We can let go of our complaining and leave it at God’s feet and live into the joy of freedom. God is available to us to know, to love, and to follow. Is there anything more encouraging than that truth?

Hymn 2161, To Know You More

To know you in all of your glory,

to love you with all that I am.

With all of my heart, Lord,

this is my prayer: to know you more.

To know you in all of your power,

to trust you with all that I am.

With all of my heart, Lord,

this is my prayer: to know you more.

To know you in all of your mercy,

to serve you with all that I am.

With all of my heart, Lord,

this is my prayer: to know you more.

Lord God, help us to acknowledge that we know you, and what you have done to provide an everlasting relationship through the sacrificial love of your Son.

Through your Holy Spirit, build our trust, and help us love. Amen.

Pastor David Brosnan

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