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309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560
P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563
PHONE: 252.637.4181
Friday Greetings - April 14
This week is the Sunday before Earth Day…next Saturday, April 22 when people around the world re-commit themselves to restoring the...
Friday Greetings - April 7
This coming Sunday is Easter, and we proclaim, "Christ the Lord is risen!" He is risen, indeed, but what difference does it really make?...
Friday Greetings - March 31
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We celebrate Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem as King of the Jews. Yet, we know how the story goes....
Friday Greetings - March 24
Friday greetings friends. This week we talk about the story of Lazarus being raised from the grave among other stories. I’ve been...
Friday Greetings - March 17
Do you ever play the “blame game”? You know…try to always figure out who’s responsible when things go poorly? It doesn’t seem to matter...
Friday Greetings - March 10
“Drying up” often conveys a negative image. Think of fresh fruit that’s dried and shriveled, or dry and itchy skin. Yet drying can...
Friday Greetings - March 3
Reckoned as Righteousness As Protestant Christians, United Methodists believe we're saved by grace--through faith--but what does that...
Friday Greetings - February 24
My friend and colleague in ministry shares this Lenten Reflection to members of the NC Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church....
Friday Greetings - February 17
This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday when we remember the time that Jesus became radiant (transfigured), and God called him his beloved...
Friday Greetings - February 10
SUNDAY SERMON Every day, we say "Yes" to some things and "No" to others. What should we affirm? What should we agree to be and do? What...
Friday Greetings - February 3
Sometimes, in the midst of bad news, it feels like darkness is descending upon the world. Yet God is light and in him there is no...
Friday Greetings - January 27
May this prayer begin to prepare your heart and mind for Sunday and for God's hope for you and yours. Merciful God…For those who are...
Friday Greetings - January 13
Lamb of God “Agnus Dei” is Latin for “Lamb of God,” and it’s the title for one of the oldest Christian prayers, dating back to the 7th...
Friday Greetings - January 6
The fact that our Lord was baptized means that baptism isn't just about "washing away sin," because Jesus was sinless. For one thing, His...
Friday Greetings - December 30
Happy New Year from your staff at Centenary. We look forward to an amazing 2023, full of activity, life and light and sharing in ministry...
Friday Greetings - December 16
The past three Sundays, the sermon has centered on seasonal songs. The Christmas Eve message will be "O Holy Night." This Sunday's...
Friday Greetings - December 9
For the next two Sundays, the sermon will center on seasonal songs. Next week's message will be "Do You See What I See?" The Christmas...
Friday Greetings - December 2
For the next three Sundays, the sermon will center on seasonal songs. Next week's message is "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing," and December...
Friday Greetings - November 18
This statement was accepted unanimously by acclamation at the Centenary UMC Church Council meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2022....
Friday Greetings - November 11
Did you know Jesus talked about money and possessions more than anything else (other than the Kingdom of God)? Is there a Christian way...
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